This week was a short one. We only had students Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Tuesday, I worked on updating my lesson plans and planning for the rest of the week.
I started off by thinking I was going to be observed but once again due to the weather it did not happen. All classes went well except for my freshman class where I had 3 students once again not dressed to work in the shop. I made them write a two page paper in welding careers. This was not taken well by the students but oh well maybe it will teach them.
I had a sub in for Mrs. Fry. All classes went great. I also had my freshman class that gave my sub problems last Wednesday. I started off by asking them how they think it went on Wednesday. All at once the students started to complain about the book work they had to do. I explained that the sub was doing what I told her to do. Therefore, they need to complain to me and not her. I told them that I better not hear this happening again. I then made them do the book work that they were to do then.
Once again I had a sub for Mrs. Fry. This was one of my best days. My veterinary science class was my task of the day. I graded their test that I gave on Wednesday and had a range from 54% to 93%. I decided to let the students take a different test over again due to me not knowing if it was my teaching or them not studying. The students were happy about this.
Ag Foundations was great. Everyone was prepared and mostly everyone has their shop projects done.